The IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) is a leading global community comprised of a diverse set of professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications and networking technologies. The Society has over 26,000 members in more than 149 countries.
ComSoc is paving the way for strategic and technical advancements in the emerging areas of 5G, SDN, IoT, Fog Computing, Big Data, Green ICT, fiber optics, and more. In addition to impactful one-day events and workshops, the Society holds numerous conferences and offers educational opportunities, including the IEEE WCET certification program and IEEE ComSoc Training. For more information, visit www.comsoc.org
Chicago Chapter of the Comsoc Society facilitates local technical meetings, community outreach programs, and day-long workshops. It provides local members with valuable opportunities to network – enabling both personal and professional growth as well as sharing technical, professional, and personal interests with others in the IEEE Comsoc worldwide member community.
Join us for discussions and to share your thoughts via Oregon ComSoc social media portals using the links above.